Comment 26 for bug 42555

Revision history for this message
Brent Newland (brent-newland) wrote :

Alright, using Hardy and install would only boot to that damn BusyBox, so I came in to the Live CD to install ubuntu-minimal as suggested. klogd and sysklogd won't configure, which won't let ubuntu-minimal configure

root@ubuntu:/# dpkg --configure klogd
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of klogd:
 klogd depends on sysklogd | system-log-daemon; however:
  Package sysklogd is not configured yet.
  Package system-log-daemon is not installed.
  Package sysklogd which provides system-log-daemon is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing klogd (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
root@ubuntu:/# dpkg --configure sysklogd
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of sysklogd:
 sysklogd depends on klogd | linux-kernel-log-daemon; however:
  Package klogd is not configured yet.
  Package linux-kernel-log-daemon is not installed.
  Package klogd which provides linux-kernel-log-daemon is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing sysklogd (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

From what I can tell, klogd needs sysklogd configured to configure, and sysklogd needs klogd configured to configure.

It seems to me that upgrading from a fixed requirement to a meta package for the logging daemon for ubuntu-minimal would fix this problem (I'm sure that klogd could be specified as the default).

"I close the update-manager task, IMHO its the wrong place to fix this problem." -- sounds to me like this IS the place to fix this problem. ubuntu-minimal being hard coded to a problematic program would be a problem inside ubuntu-minimal, not klogd. Although klogd needs fixed.