Comment 3 for bug 1009920

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Moritz Bunkus (moritz-bunkus) wrote :

I have this problem as well and I know where it comes from along with three possible workarounds.

I don't have the afsql module enabled in /etc/syslog-ng/modules.conf, nor do I have syslog-ng-sql installed (only libsyslog-ng and syslog-ng-core). However, reading modules.conf I figured that afsql must be a default module.

A quick look at the package's source code revealed that as long as the SQL module is enabled it is also set as the default module by configure.

The three workarounds (any of those three I've verified to work, only one of them required, your choice):

1. Add --default-modules=... to sylog-ng's command line. This can be done by adding the following to /etc/default/syslog-ng:

SYSLOGNG_OPTS="--no-caps --default-modules=affile,afprog,afsocket,afuser,basicfuncs,csvparser,dbparser,syslogformat"

Those modules are the ones configure sets as default as well.

2. Install the syslog-ng-mod-sql package which contains the afsql module, even if you don't use the SQL sink. I consider this suboptimal and a waste of space ;)

3. Modify the package's build routine so that it doesn't include afsql in the list of default modules and re-build it.

1. and 2. are pretty upgrade safe, 3. isn't. 3. is what the Ubuntu team itself should do; otherwise it makes no sense at all to provide a separate package for the SQL module.