Comment 0 for bug 1488594

Revision history for this message
james beedy (jamesbeedy) wrote :

I'm experiencing this issue when I replace any osd disk on any ceph storage node and then reboot it. Immediatly after the node pxe boots, the console of the node will show a "disk uuid mismatch" error message and fails to boot. A work-around I've found to get a node to boot after a storage disk replacement is to momentarilly disable maas from managing the network after the power on of a node who's disk has been replaced; following that, after the node pxe boot times out and it results to booting from local disk into the os, I re-enable maas management on that network so the node gets an ip and continues the boot process and eventually successfully boots.

It would be nice to get some feedback on what is going on here, and also a best practice for what/how to proceed in the case when you need to swap storage disks.


maas.log <--

clusterd.log <--

maas - 1.8.0+bzr4001-0ubuntu2~trusty1
trusty - 14.04.3