Comment 0 for bug 26986

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Peter Cherriman (pjcherriman) wrote : Remote syslog logging (parameter order crucial)

I tried to get ubuntu (breezy&hoary) to do remote syslog logging from my ADSL router.
I found that I needed to modify the line:
SYSLOGD="-u syslog"
in /etc/init.d/sysklogd
However I found if I changed it to:
SYSLOGD="-r -u syslog"
then logins toke forever, and reboots or shutdown never finish.
if I change it to
SYSLOGD="-u syslog -r"
everything works perfectly.

The manual doesn't mention the order of the parameters is critical, and
the problem of getting wrong is rather serious. Since it generally required
me to turn of the computer at the wall switch, and then undo the change
to /etc/init.d/sysklogd in recovery mode.

I've no idea why the "-r" before the "-u" causes the slow logins and shutdown.