Comment 39 for bug 807771

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Linuxexperte (andrea-koeth) wrote :

hi together,

I can also confirm this bug for LinuxMint 12. As I wanted to sue synaptic for looking something up a few minutes ago, it also crashed with this abouve mentioned error:

what(): vector::_M_range_check
 instance of 'std::out_of_range'

But as the user Michael Satke writes: this bug can easily be solved. Then I searched the internet and learned, that the activated gnome-shell-extension noya11 should be switched off in this case. So I looked up my extensions and found it switched on. I switched off, reloaded my shell and tried again. But again this crash happened. Then I looked up the Internet again and found this bug here. And here I found the solution.

The Trick of Michael Satke does it.
Therefore go to your system-control-center, there go to "accessibility" and there go to "screenreader". Switch it on and switch it off again. This did the trick for me, although I had all this off.

So just do this, and Synaptic will come back to work.
