Comment 0 for bug 358829

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Bill Smith (bsmith1051) wrote :

I tried to do a test install of Ubuntu 9.04 Beta in a VirtualBox 2.2 VM. I know realize that I didn't allocate enough disk space (just 2.6 GB) for the disk image, but I never received any warnings about disk space.

The original install went fine and the new OS rebooted after copy and worked fine. But then the Update Manager failed without explanation. I switched to using the 'Mark Upgrades' function in Synaptic and I was able to still many of the available updates. But I continued to have failures (as I would repeatedly Quit, reboot, retry Synaptic). Finally there started to be a pattern -- the updates would fail with the message, "failed in buffer_write(fd)". I couldn't find any reference to it on the VirtualBox forums so I tried Google'ing it, at which point I learned it was related to disk space. Sure enough, my VM had zero bytes free.

Shouldn't the OS warn of low disk space, much less Synaptic and/or Update Manager?