Comment 3 for bug 1404021

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John Winterton (jwinterton) wrote :

I can count the number of times I've logged into the root on the fingers of one hand. Too easy to slip up and mash the whole ball of wax.

One of the greatest conveniences is the ability to run from a sudo enabled account as it keeps root interactions to a minimum.

This is probably a very simple fix, changing from a hard-coded browser to use the one entabled by the user. Really just a quick hop throught a pointer table, I expect. It would be nice if this got some priority on the wish list.

Synaptic is one of the most useful programs that seems to be denigrated as the system heads more and more towards the mom and pop user. To a certain extent, I both agree and disagree with this approach because I have always believed that "The system is for the end user", but there are categories of end users. I grew up with the industry, starting in 1962, and to a certain extent am pretty conservative.

I expect that a mom and pop user who uses only social network services and e-mail may not care, but then there are the old guys like me (who won't be around much longer) who need to be mollified a bit longer. Computers are still not the same as other "home appliances" no matter what Microshaft thinks.