Comment 6 for bug 138631

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Randy Fischer (randy-fischer) wrote : Randy Fischer....................................VACATION MISFORTUNE


  This message may be coming to you as a surprise but I need your
help.Few days back we made an unannounced vacation trip to London,UK
.Everything was going fine until last night when we were mugged on our
way back to the hotel.They Stole all our cash,credit cards and
cellphone but thank God we still have our lives and passport.Another
shocking is that the hotel manager has been unhelpful to us for
reasons i don't know. I'm writing you from a local library
cybercafe..I've reported to the police and after writing down some
statements that's the last i had from them.i contacted the consulate
and all i keep hearing is they will get back to me. i need your help
..i need you to help me out with a loan to settle my bills here so we
can get back home, our return flight leaves soon. I'll refund the
money as soon as i get back. All i need is $1,650 ..Let me know if you
can get me the money then I tell you how to get it to me.

I'm freaked out at the moment
