Comment 38 for bug 409559

Revision history for this message
Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) wrote :

This is a community matter. I asked that this be brought up in #ubuntu-motu because there seems to be a lack of interest from the community to maintain this package and I hoped that more people than those in this bug could respond and help. No one did. People complain, but no one wants to put in the effort required to actually fix it. Multiverse is community supported. You are the community. Would someone from the community *please* prepare updates?

It takes more than simply uploading the Karmic package as is to Hardy, Intrepid and Jaunty. The versions have to be adjusted and the resulting packages *thoroughly* tested before they can be uploaded. The time isn't in changing the version number and uploading. It is making sure there are no regressions and verifying the test suite still works. Anecdotal 'works for me' is not enough. How does it work for you? What is your environment? What was not tested by you? Etc, etc... If there is a regression, who is supposed to fix it? This isn't a matter of policy, but resources. The steps are clear and the same for *all* community supported packages: use and someone from the Ubuntu Security team will process it and get it into the archive on your behalf. If you need feedback or assistance in this process, Ubuntu Security, MOTU and/or MOTU-SWAT can help. Since a debdiff is not appropriate in this case (because this requires a new source package), do as Mathias said and get the package into People can help with testing and review of the package there. See for details.

Simply stated, it is a community supported package and complaining that someone else isn't doing it for you doesn't help. People from the community must step up. Why should this package be any different from the thousands of other packages in universe that the community supports? If you want it fixed, coordinate to do the work. Rather than localizing LoCo teams and attempting to persuade leadership to go against their previous decision to support unsupported packages (keep in mind, it was put into multiverse in the first place for a reason), might I suggest utilizing these resources to coordinate the work by joining the ubuntu-java team ( to define and execute a policy to properly maintain this package? This is what other people who care about a community supported package do.