Comment 0 for bug 139054

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Wolfgang Glas (wglas) wrote :

I've filed a bug on SUN's bugtracker, which describes a problem I have when talking from a JAVA CORBA client to an orbit-2 server.

Basically, the JAVA client talk ISO-8859-1 on the wire instead of UTF-8 as announced by the orbit-2 server inside it's IOR. The problem is due to the uncommon encoding of the charset information inside the IOR of the orbit-2 server.

The URL of the upstream patch is here:

Since this is a major desktop interoperability problem, please go to the SUN bugtracker and vote for this issue in order to put some pressure on SUN to fix this problem within a reasonable amount of time. Maybe someone being acquainted with debian's JAVA Team could point these guys to this issue too, so we get even more votes for fixing this problem.

