Comment 35 for bug 85969

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David Yoffe (yoffedavid) wrote :

JavaTM SE 6 Release Notes
Document Installation

 JDK Documentation

You should have approximately 165 MB of free disk space before installing the documentation.

Install the Java Platform Standard Edition documentation by following these steps:

1. Where to unbundle your documentation

You can install the documentation inside your JDK directory or in any other location you prefer.
Unbundling the JDK documentation creates a docs directory (folder) in the current directory, putting all the documentation inside that directory as shown here.

*******(documents) docs (APIs)
*****| | | | | | | |
index.html legal technotes images api platform jre jdk
**************| | |
************tools samples guides

2. Unbundle your documentation
Unbundle the documentation using the a zip-compatible utility such as winzip, unzip, gunzip, or pkunzip. Your utility must support long file names.
To unbundle the documentation bundle using the zip utility:

C:> unzip

You can also unbundle the .zip file using the JDK's jar utility:

C:> jar xvf

Note: If you are using another tool that doesn't preserve path names by default, be sure to specify that path names be preserved. For example, if you are using pkunzip, specify -d:

C:> pkunzip -d

Unzipping the documentation bundle creates a docs/ directory containing your Java Platform documentation.
3. View the documentation
Open the docs/index.html page in a browser. This is the front page and table of contents of the JDK documentation.