Comment 17 for bug 49068

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Christian Assig (chrassig) wrote :

I updated my edgy installation with sun-java5 to feisty with sun-java6 after feisty 's final release. This machine is still not affected by this bug.

My other machine now shows the wrong time and time zone again, probably because the symbolic link was overwritten during a package upgrade with a regular file.

I have found out that even without the symbolic link, Java detects the time and time zone correct when I choose a time zone that has no DST at the moment, e.g. Australia/Perth or Asia/Shanghai.

Unfortunately, I don't know yet what the difference between the two installations causing this bug might be. I already did a directory diff on the /etc/java and /etc/java-6-sun folders of both system, but they are identical. /etc/localtime is identical on both machines as well. Any hints regarding what else I could compare would be appreciated.