Comment 1 for bug 1957050

Revision history for this message
Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

This isn't a normal review, this is a source split, and we really have to see what we gain/lose due to that:
- Version upgrade 5.0.5 -> 6.0 (better)
- Maintained and tracked individually (better)
- No tests (as before)

Since it is the same code as before not that much review is needed to be repeated.

So while not perfect we are at no real loss and have some gains compared to the situation before.

I really would like to see some tests added and have taken the opportunity to bump the priority of that bug - because we want to see this as a non-blocking chance to get it tested. Not as hiccup to be ignored from now on.

MIR Team ack for:
- being code that already was in main
- making the situation slightly better overall
- no new dependencies/complexities added

No security review needed (again).


I was also checking if suitesparse is only in main for nostalgic reasons.
Back in 2008 this was promoted as build-depends which nowadays no more need to be in main (see bug 305790).
I found the mentione build-dependency (doesn't matter anymore) and a runtime dependency to src:suitesparse but not to src:suitesparse-graphblas
libreoffice-calc -> lp-solve -> libcolamd2 -> libsuitesparseconfig5 (of src:suitesparse, no deps from here)

If you look at germinate [1] it seems all of the rest only comes due to the auto-inclusion of libsuitesparse-dev and libsuitesparse-doc. You could consider trying to exclude their auto-promotion and to me it seems suitesparse-graphblas might then drop from component mismatches.
I might have missed a dependency, but wanted to ask if you had a reason to keep those bits of suitesparse*



If you really do want it fine, but maybe it is not needed.
Setting to incomplete for Desktop to check motivations and details.