Comment 0 for bug 1556302

Revision history for this message
Simon Arlott ( wrote : Ubuntu patch to add HOME to env_keep makes Python commands vulnerable by default

I wanted to allow certain users to execute a python script as another user, so I created the following sudoers config:
Defaults env_reset
source_user ALL=(target_user) NOPASSWD: /home/target_user/bin/

This results in a highly insecure Python environment because the source user can set HOME and override any Python package by putting files in $HOME/.local/lib/python*/site-packages/.

This should be a safe configuration because the default behaviour (as specified in the man page) is that env_reset will replace HOME with the target user's home directory. The "env_reset" option even has special behaviour for bash which has its own potential environment vulnerabilities.

However there is an Ubuntu-specific patch in the package (keep_home_by_default.patch) that makes sudo preserve HOME by default, which negates the correct behaviour of "env_reset". It should not be necessary to explicitly specify the "always_set_home" option in order to negate this patch.

The patch should be removed and the default /etc/sudoers should explicitly add HOME to "env_keep" for the "allow admins to run any command as root" entries, to get the desired behaviour without creating security issues for other sudoers commands.