Comment 0 for bug 1878115

Revision history for this message
Seth Arnold (seth-arnold) wrote :

The server installer, perhaps other installers, will log LUKS passwords used on the system via:

- installer/subiquity-curtin-install.conf

 - {volume: disk-sda, key: ...

- curtin/install.log

get_path_to_storage_volume for volume dm_crypt-0({'volume': 'disk-sda', 'key': ...
        get_path_to_storage_volume for volume dm_crypt-0({'volume': 'disk-sda', 'key': ...

- syslog

May 11 22:27:25 ubuntu-server curtin_log.2310[2592]: merged config: {'sources': {'ubuntu00': 'cp:///media/filesystem'}, 'stages': ['early', 'partitioning', 'extract', 'curthooks', 'hook', 'late'], 'extract_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'extract']}, 'hook_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'hook']}, 'partitioning_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'block-meta', 'simple']}, 'curthooks_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'curthooks'], '000-configure-run': ['/snap/bin/subiquity.subiquity-configure-run'], '001-configure-apt': ['/snap/bin/subiquity.subiquity-configure-apt', '/snap/subiquity/1866/usr/bin/python3', 'true']}, 'late_commands': {'builtin': []}, 'network_commands': {'builtin': ['curtin', 'net-meta', 'auto']}, 'apply_net_commands': {'builtin': []}, 'install': {'log_file': '/var/log/curtin/install.log', 'error_tarfile': '/var/log/curtin/curtin-error-logs.tar', 'save_install_config': '/var/log/installer/curtin-install-cfg.yaml', 'save_install_log': '/var/log/installer/curtin-install.log', 'target': '/target', 'unmount': 'disabled'}, 'apt': {'preserve_sources_list': False, 'primary': [{'arches': ['amd64', 'i386'], 'uri': ''}, {'arches': ['default'], 'uri': ''}]}, 'debconf_selections': {'subiquity': ''}, 'grub': {'probe_additional_os': True, 'terminal': 'unmodified'}, 'kernel': {'package': 'linux-generic'}, 'pollinate': {'user_agent': {'subiquity': '20.05.1_1866'}}, 'reporting': {'subiquity': {'identifier': 'curtin_event.2310', 'type': 'journald'}}, 'storage': {'config': [{'ptable': 'gpt', 'serial': 'XXX', 'wwn': 'XXX', 'path': '/dev/nvme0n1', 'wipe': 'superblock', 'preserve': False, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'type': 'disk', 'id': 'disk-nvme0n1'}, {'serial': 'XXX', 'wwn': 'XXX', 'path': '/dev/sda', 'wipe': 'superblock', 'preserve': False, 'name': '', 'grub_device': False, 'type': 'disk', 'id': 'disk-sda'}, {'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 536870912, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'flag': 'boot', 'number': 1, 'preserve': False, 'grub_device': True, 'type': 'partition', 'id': 'partition-0'}, {'fstype': 'fat32', 'volume': 'partition-0', 'preserve': False, 'type': 'format', 'id': 'format-0'}, {'device': 'disk-nvme0n1', 'size': 127496355840, 'wipe': 'superblock', 'flag': '', 'number': 2, 'preserve': False, 'type': 'partition', 'id': 'partition-1'}, {'fstype': 'btrfs', 'volume': 'partition-1', 'preserve': False, 'type': 'format', 'id': 'format-1'}, {'device': 'format-1', 'path': '/', 'type': 'mount', 'id': 'mount-1'}, {'volume': 'disk-sda', 'key': ...

We shouldn't be logging this passphrase to disk, even inside the encrypted portion, because it's too easy for the password to leak, as it has here.
