Comment 6 for bug 1287339

Revision history for this message
Simon Déziel (sdeziel) wrote :

tl;dr: do not use "ipsec restart" even with systemd.

If the strongswan service is running and one calls "ipsec restart", systemd will lose track of the service:

 # make sure strongswan is running
 sudo service strongswan start

 # restart ipsec the "wrong" way
 sudo ipsec restart

 # notice that systemd saw ipsec stopping but not restarting
 sudo journalctl -o cat -u strongswan | tail
12[CFG] left nor right host is our side, assuming left=local
12[CFG] added configuration 'passthrough-rw'
14[CFG] received stroke: route 'passthrough-rw'
16[CFG] received stroke: add connection 'xelerance-sdeziel'
16[CFG] added configuration 'xelerance-sdeziel'
00[DMN] signal of type SIGINT received. Shutting down
charon stopped after 200 ms
charon stopped after 200 ms
ipsec starter stopped
ipsec starter stopped

 # confirm ipsec is still functioning otherwise
 sudo ipsec status
Shunted Connections:
passthrough-rw: === PASS
Security Associations (0 up, 0 connecting):

 # ask systemd to stop it (unsuccessfully)
 sudo service strongswan stop

 # confirm ipsec is still functioning otherwise
 sudo ipsec status
Shunted Connections:
passthrough-rw: === PASS
Security Associations (0 up, 0 connecting):