Comment 0 for bug 70273

Revision history for this message
Sven Herzberg (herzi) wrote : Don't like "ยด" in track names

When the mentioned character appears in the track title, streamripper prints messages like this: [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ] [ripping... ]

instead of the expected line. Also filenames get corrupt (there's no artist, but the artist appears in the track name).