Comment 4 for bug 1564473

Revision history for this message
GeeMac (htpc2013) wrote :


At first I did an upgrade from 14.04 LTS via the screen pop-up asking if I wanted to upgrade to 16.04, of course I clicked yes. First bad move.
I took a almost perfect HTPC Media system down to a almost unusable system. I thought it was due to a bad upgrade so I proceeded to do a new install via CD. Second bad move. I did not back up all my audio settings in 14.04.
I usually run a media program called Kodi(XBMC), but I haven't yet gotten to that since I tried Youtube and Netflix and found that the audio was fuzzy and distorted.
My system consists of an older computer with HDMI directly driving a Vizio 45 inch TV. Again, this has worked fine with 14.04. I do remember having to change my sample rate within Kodi, but not with any Browser video streaming such as Youtube, Netflix or any other paid premium channels that I have.

Now to the point of the matter.
Here is what is on my system now.
Linux HTPC 4.4.0-34-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 27 16:06:39 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Dual core AMD cpu, 4Gig of ram, onboard audio and Nvidia 7050 series video. I'll post the exact system if needed.

Here is a link to my Alsa information
Here is another link to my Pulse daemon.conf
The only thing I tried with the daemon.conf was removing the rem ; from the sample rate area and swapped the rates around. I tried the default settings first then swapped the 48000 with the 41000. No change. Apparently this is not the area to make the change. My findings some time back with the distortion witin Kodi, it was due to the sample rate being too high or too low driving the HDMI audio to the TV. Sorry I cannot remember which.
When in Kodi when I had this issue under 14.4, it was contained to Kodi only no other programs.
As of 16.04 this audio distortion is mainly all browser streaming. As of the last I checked both Firefox and Chrome has distorted audio. VLC and other media players seem to be okay.

Sorry for this long winded post, but as you can see by my other reports, I like to be detailed so questions don't have to be asked more then once.

I hope all this information will help in correcting this issue in 16.04..