Comment 2 for bug 1008871

Revision history for this message
Bram Noordzij (78luphr0rnk2nuqimstywepozxn9kl19tqh0tx66b5dki1xxsh5mkz9gl21a5rlwfnr8jn6ln0m3jxne2k9x1ohg85w3jabxlrqbgszpjpwcmvkb-7ul3h2n4s-a811i2i3ytqlsztthjth0svbccw8inm65tmkqp9sarr553jq53in4xm1m8wn3o4rlwaer06ogwvqwv9mrqoku2x334n7di44o65qze67n1wneepm) wrote :

apt-get was having problems with more and more package, not only ssl-cert, but also mysql-server a.o.

Eventually, the problem was traced to /usr/sbin not being in $PATH:

Scripts such as '/var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.5.prerm' (line 10) do "invoke-rc.d mysql stop || exit $?" without specifying the full path...