Comment 0 for bug 159031

Revision history for this message
Bogdan Butnaru (bogdanb) wrote :

This is about Gutsy. I have set-up remote drives mounted over sshfs, which in turns runs over a WiFi connection.

Every now and then, the router reboots itself (crappy ISP, irrelevant), and the network connection naturally stops. When that happens, sshfs will block on any access requests for the remote drive.

The nasty part is that (a) Nautilus freezes (Compiz turns it gray), and (b) sometimes this freezes the whole desktop. I've just had a case when I could see the Network Manager dialog asking for the network password(*), with the Nautilus window grayed out above it. I couldn't access the NM dialog, so there was no way to re-connect and thus unfreeze Nautilus. (The system wasn't completely frozen, though: the mouse cursor worked, and the System Monitor applet on the panel updated itself correctly, though nothing responded to mouse clicks. And I could switch to a text terminal.)

I don't see how Nautilus could cause this system freeze, but as soon as I killed it (from a console), everything unfroze, I could re-connect to the network and re-mount the remote directories.