Comment 11 for bug 1738412

Revision history for this message
Andreas Hasenack (ahasenack) wrote :

The DEP8 tests in are failing for squid3 but for a different reason. Before ( they wouldn't even start.

For example, see which ends with:

badpkg: Test dependencies are unsatisfiable. A common reason is that your testbed is out of date with respect to the archive, and you need to use a current testbed or run apt-get update or use -U.

That and a few other things is what was fixed. The tests now run locally at least, with autopkgtest. The current failure in the autopkgtest infrastructure from Ubuntu is firewall related, as some tests try to reach out to public facing websites like
FAIL: test_http_proxy (__main__.BasicTest)
Test http
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/autopkgtest.OnM2uO/build.TgJ/src/debian/tests/", line 124, in test_http_proxy
    self._test_url_proxy("", "Canonical", "http://localhost:3128/")
  File "/tmp/autopkgtest.OnM2uO/build.TgJ/src/debian/tests/", line 233, in _test_url_proxy
    self._word_find(report, content)
  File "/tmp/autopkgtest.OnM2uO/build.TgJ/src/debian/tests/", line 982, in _word_find
    self.assertTrue(content in report, warning + report)
AssertionError: Could not find "Canonical"

The requested URL could not be retrieved


   The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:

     Connection to failed.

   The system returned: (110) Connection timed out

   The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

   Your cache administrator is [2]webmaster.


   Generated Wed, 31 Oct 2018 19:09:52 GMT by autopkgtest (squid/3.5.12)

I don't think the above is worth fixing at the moment, because:
a) it's a long process: reject package from proposed, prepare new one, upload, get sru team to approve, then let it lose in the autopkgtest infrastructure to see if it works
b) bileto isn't working for this for some reason, I can't get test results from it. It just says "test running (always failed)", and no logs.
c) package that is currently in proposed is already an improvement, as the test now can be run locally (and pass).