Comment 6 for bug 480019

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Юрий Чудновский (fqc) wrote :

Got some kind of trouble then try to print png image (Samsung ML-1640 printer). Victor's log:

> E [10/Nov/2009:23:41:07 -0600] [Job 136] SpliX Cannot open job
> E [10/Nov/2009:23:41:07 -0600] [Job 136] SpliX Error while rendering the request. Check the previous message

lead me to think - my problem is from same source:

E [26/Dec/2009:12:34:17 +0200] [Job 20] SpliX Cannot open job
E [26/Dec/2009:12:34:17 +0200] [Job 20] SpliX Error while rendering the request. Check the previous message
E [26/Dec/2009:12:34:17 +0200] [Job 20] Job stopped due to filter errors; please consult the error_log file for details.

I looked in /tmp and find some files with gs_* names and lp user owner (and lp group), having -rw------- (600) file permissions. This files seems was created by CUPS subsystem (filter).

Changing file permission on non-zero sized gs_* file and opening it in pdf viewer allowed me to get image printed, but this is "crutch" :)