Comment 8 for bug 1719038

Revision history for this message
In , Gannet (ken20001) wrote :

Created attachment 133981
Xorg log file

Kubuntu 17.04
Linux 4.13
libvirt-bin 3.6.0
qemu 2.10

Kubuntu 16.04.3
Linux 4.10.0-33-generic
xserver-xorg-video-qxl 0.1.4-3ubuntu3
xserver-common 1.18.4-0ubuntu0.3

If not to change default screen resolution 1280x1024 in VM, this issue is not happens. But if screen resolution has been changed to any other, crash happens while login (please, see the log in attachment). This issue started to happen from 16.04.2. In Kubuntu 16.04.1 all is OK.