Comment 1 for bug 257405

Revision history for this message
glenstewart (glen-stewart) wrote :

The workaround doesn't seem to be working anymore.

There is a LONG discussion of this problem at;post=129005;page=1;mh=-1;list=spamassassin;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC

These steps seemed to help, but I confess I don't fully know what I'm doing:

1. install the missing re2c package (on Ubuntu Intrepid)
2. change the reference to sa-update in /etc/cron.daily/spamassassin to
             sa-update --gpgkey 6C6191E3 --channel
3. manually run sa-update --gpgkey 6C6191E3 --channel
             if no errors, proceed with next step.
4. manually run sa-compile
             if no errors, proceed with next step.
5. manually run invoke-rc.d spamassassin reload

From this point on, daily updates don't fail.