Comment 0 for bug 1075537

Revision history for this message
cshong (cshong87) wrote : Ubuntu Software Center does not update the cache and the xapian search index automatically, caused some packages cannot be found.

I reinstalled Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS. After select the right server in "software sources", Ubuntu does not automatically update the apt cache. Without manually updating the apt cache, I cannot find some packages that I want to install.

Steps to reproduce this bug:
1. Reinstall Ubuntu or any of its derivatives.
2. Run the software center.
3. At the top, go to Edit -> Software Sources, select the server you want to use.
4. You will see nothing happened.
5. Try find the package "build-essential", or just any package you want to install.

If you cannot find the package, that means the software center either not updating the cache automatically or not updating the xapian apt search index or both.

Attached here with a screenshot.

Temporary workaround:
1. Select a server in "Software Sources" (as stated in step number 3 above), if you haven't do so. Then, close the "Software Sources" window.
2. Manually run the "sudo apt-get update" command.
3. Run the "sudo update-apt-xapian-index -f" command.

Then, you can find the package you want to install.