Comment 4 for bug 834341

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Thanks for this perceptive bug report.

Maybe it's clearest to compare potential solutions by describing the drawbacks of each.

* Status quo: The price for items with reviews is misaligned with price for items without reviews.
* "(0)" when there are no reviews: Not obvious, and the "(0)" would repeat for almost every "What's New" item post-release.
* "Not yet reviewed" text: Would be monotonous when repeating for almost every "What's New" item post-release.
* Blank line when there are no reviews: Would look odd.
* Position price above the reviews rather than below it: Would make price harder to find, next to category/subcategory text at the same font size (which seems to be missing from your screenshot, for some reason).
* Move price below the icon, like it was before yesterday: Would look awkward and make tiles needlessly taller.

I'm inclined to say that the misaligned price, while a little awkward, is the least bad option of those six. What other options are there?