Comment 0 for bug 830272

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

software-center-gtk3 trunk r2155, Ubuntu Ocelot

1. From the home screen, choose a category that has subcategories, e.g. "Internet".
2. In the "Top Rated" area, click "More".
3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen.
4. Click Back, then click "All 276".

What happens:
2. The Top Rated screen has a repeating label, e.g. "Internet Internet".
2. The Top Rated screen has a sort menu, which is not useful for the reasons given in bug 830234.
3. The bottom of the screen says "12 items available", which is not correct -- that just happens to be the number we chose to show.
4. The All screen has the label "Internet All", which is a bit naff.
4. There's no useful difference between the "Top Rated" screen and the "All" screen -- the "All" screen just shows more stuff.

The root cause seems to be that I wasn't clear about how "Top Rated" in categories should work. The specification doesn't mention a "Top Rated" screen for categories at all, but my sketch of the category screens shows the "Top Rated" area having a "More" link.

So, I suggest that we remove the separate "Top Rated" screen for categories, and the corresponding "More" buttons. Instead the "All" screen should be sorted by rating by default, as it already is. I'll draw updated sketches that don't include the "More" button.