Comment 9 for bug 785079

Revision history for this message
Robert Roth (evfool) wrote :

I have tried again with some mad-monkey scenarios:
Test case 1:
1. click Install/Remove
2. scroll with the mouse scroll wheel
3. keep pressing Page Up/Home key repeatedly
4. when it starts working again, take a quick glimpse at the install/remove button/progressbar

Test case2:
Same as test case 1, only in step 2 scroll with the scrollbars (overlay scrollbars)

With test case 1, most of the times I have seen the progressbar for a short period, and the install/remove button has appeared only afterwards, so this means that either the special keys are blocked only during some parts of the install, or that they are blocked while an install/remove is in progress, but I did see the progressbar as the screen/window did not get updated instantaneously after the transaction has finished.
With test case 2, I have never seen the progressbar, PgUp/End keys have started working only after the button has appeared again.
Sorry for the confusion, in my previous test I must have chosen an application which is installed/removed very quickly, that is why I have been thinking that the keys do work while installing.
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