Comment 2 for bug 701841

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

If a plug-in, or plug-in bundle, does not show up as an add-on, on the USC screen for an application, that is (except for bug 700884) the fault of the the plug-in package. gedit-plugins should be marked as "Enhances: gedit", but it is not. Similarly, banshee-extension-lyrics and banshee-extension-liveradio should be marked as "Enhances: banshee", but they are not. So, please report bugs on those packages.

Next, imagine that those packages were fixed. Should a search for "gedit" still show gedit-plugins by default, alongside gedit and leafpad? If so, why? Why wouldn't it be enough just to show it as an add-on on the application screen?