Comment 4 for bug 681471

Revision history for this message
David Owen (dsowen) wrote : Re: [Bug 681471] Re: URLs need to be (more) cacheable

On Thu, 2010-12-02 at 10:50 +0000, Michael Nelson wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Matthew Paul Thomas <email address hidden> wrote:
> > (2) You'll be able to rate not just applications, but any software, e.g. fonts, themes, developer libraries. So I think it would make more sense to leave it as just /reviews.
> This first part of the path is so we can tell apache - anything that
> starts with /reviews can be handled by the rnr-server - ie. it
> identifies the project.

> Theoretically we can get rid of the initial /reviews completely *if*
> we will never want to use the domain for any other applications (ie.
> we can tell apache to send all requests to rnr-server....

> ... if we don't know whether we'll want to use for
> other apps, then I think we need a project identifier first, even if
> it is '/reviews' with the above issues, or simply '/r/' (ie.
> /r/reviews/1/ or /r/moderations/1/ etc.)

Hostnames are cheap. You could always add in This sometimes meshes better with
browsers' concepts of isolation (HTTP auth credentials, cookies, AJAX &
XSS, etc.). Then again, sometimes you *want* no isolation, so the path
method would be better.