Comment 6 for bug 660050

Revision history for this message
Thibaut Brandscheid (k1au3-is-37) wrote :

Bug is not fixed.

Oneiric 64-Bit up-to-date
Unity 3D in VirtualBox
Mouse: Logitech MX 518

Problem 1
When clicking on a category that has no sub-categories like 'Accessories' or 'Fonts' mouse-back-button-click will highlight the entry over which the mouse currently is instead of bringing me back to the USC main page.

Problem 2
When in a category with sub-categories like 'Developer Tools' and clicking the mouse-back-button when the mouse is over a sub-category icon nothing happens (no back-to-main-action is preformed).

Problem 3
When in a category with sub-categories like 'Developer Tools' and clicking the mouse-back-button when the mouse is over a 'Top Rated Developer Tools' item it acts like a left click and opens the top rated item instead of preforming a back-to-main-menu action.