Comment 21 for bug 1033598

Revision history for this message
Daniel Manrique (roadmr) wrote :


I apologize for the trouble everybody's been having with this behavior. An interesting observation is that some people have no trouble deciphering the captcha, while others (as seen in this thread and as has happened to me too) can't say for certain what the words are.

Whether the existing captcha is easy or difficult to solve for humans is subjective, but it's clear that people are having trouble with it and this gets in the way of Software Centre being accessible and useful to users. We are aware of this issue and are looking at possible ways of making verification with the embedded UI easier for humans while at the same time ensuring the Software Centre service is protected from abuse.

In the meanwhile, I can suggest the workaround mentioned by Anthony Martin in comment #9:

- Go to
- Create your account there, no captcha is needed.
- in Ubuntu Software Centre, when asked to log in (for instance, when trying to review software or enable recommendations), click on "Log-in with my existing account" (it's near the top, in orange).
- Use the login data from your just-created account to get access.

I realize this is less than ideal but it should enable you to enjoy all the other great features of Ubuntu Software Centre while we find a better solution.