Comment 7 for bug 1009967

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

... And that leaves recommendations. If "Recommended For You" recommended things that you already had installed, I think people would consider it a bit silly. The recommendations spec already said that it shouldn't show installed items on the home screen, but I've now clarified it to say it shouldn't show installed things on the standalone screen either. <>

As for making a "specification gap" document, the big risk there is that it would get out of sync with the main specification. What I do in other projects, and what I've just done here, is to include a parenthesis after the relevant sentence(s) of the specification linking to the bug report. If you do that, it's easy for a tester reading the spec to see that a discrepancy is known. And when the bug gets fixed, anyone can remove the parenthesis at their leisure.