Comment 2 for bug 289735

Revision history for this message
Jean-Baptiste Lallement (jibel) wrote :

Thanks for your report.

The error is in english
Setting up snort (2.7.0-19ubuntu1) ...
  * Stopping Network Intrusion Detection System Snort
  * No running snort instance found
  * Starting Network Intrusion Detection System Snort
  * / Etc / snort / db-pending config-file found
  * Snort will not start as its database is not yet configured.
  * Please configure the database as described in
  * / (Usr/share/doc/snort- pgsql, mysql) / README-database.Debian
  * And remove / etc / snort / db-pending-config
invoke-rc.d: initscript snort, action "start" failed.
dpkg: error processing snort (- configure):
  subprocés post-installation script returned an error code 6

The error seems tobe due to an unconfigured database.
Is it a default configuration ?

Please follow the steps described in the message above and report if it helps.
