Comment 2 for bug 1143539

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

Thank you for reporting this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better.

Confirmed. This affects the snmp-mibs-downloader source package, not net-snmp, in version 1.1 (Oneiric through Raring). I can see this error in the packaging source in mibiana/ianaippmmetricsregistry-mib on line 603. Setting to Medium priority as a workaround is available.

Since this we don't currently have an Ubuntu delta for this package, this bug presumably affects Debian too. Are you able to verify and file a bug in Debian, please?

In the future, could you please include release and version information in your bug reports? This would have saved me quite some time in tracking this down. You can automatically include all relevant information by filing bugs using the "ubuntu-bug" CLI tool, supplied by the apport package which is usually installed already.