Comment 37 for bug 1839237

Revision history for this message
Ian Johnson (anonymouse67) wrote :

hi folks, when you provide logs here with SNAPD_DEBUG_HTTP=7 enabled, please take care to remove sensitive information such as your macaroon authorization, which may enable someone to login to your ubuntu one account. For example, any line in the log such as:

X-Device-Authorization: Macaroon root=\"XYZ-ABC-123...\"\r\n

should be scrubbed before uploading. You can do so with a sed command like this:

journalctl --no-pager -u snapd | sed -e 's@Macaroon root=\\\".*\\\"@MACAROON-SCRUBBED@'

I asked LP administrators to delete any such log/comments already existing in this bug report to protect their accounts, but @blagopoluchie and @sfc-0 should both change your passwords.

I will work on making snapd automatically strip this information from the logs that snapd produces so that this is safer for users to use because verbose logging like this is indeed very useful to developers.
