Comment 2 for bug 1808213

Revision history for this message
zob (zob) wrote :

Here's another person who sees this:

Source code is in snap/main.go function lintDesc

func lintDesc(cmdName, optName, desc, origDesc string) {
 if len(optName) == 0 {
  logger.Panicf("option on %q has no name", cmdName)
 if len(origDesc) != 0 {
  logger.Panicf("description of %s's %q of %q set from tag (=> no i18n)", cmdName, optName, origDesc)
 if len(desc) > 0 {
  // decode the first rune instead of converting all of desc into []rune
  r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(desc)
  // note IsLower != !IsUpper for runes with no upper/lower.
  // Also note that login.u.c. is the only exception we're allowing for
  // now, but the list of exceptions could grow -- if it does, we might
  // want to change it to check for urlish things instead of just
  // login.u.c.
  if unicode.IsLower(r) && !strings.HasPrefix(desc, "") {
   noticef("description of %s's %q is lowercase: %q", cmdName, optName, desc)