Comment 42 for bug 1643706

Revision history for this message
Oliver (oliver-assarbad) wrote :

Regarding use cases, I am mostly with @pmorch.

What I _thought_ when I dug into the documentation a bit was that the connections would lend themselves to the purpose (snap connections vlc). But it turns out that the list of those are predefined and so I am not able to "wire" a given snap in a way that it can access a separate location.

/home and /mnt are conventions, true. But should users be _bound_ by those conventions? It appears that LSB/hier(7) are there for _distributors_ in the widest sense, not to limit the _users_ in what they can do.

@jdstrand wrote:

> Also note that there is now a 'removable-media' interface that vlc, et al
> can use to be able to access /media/....

Why not have something like removable-media but where a user can set a per-system or even per-snap configuration what comprises that particular set of paths?!

Would this require a grand redesign?

@strangiato wrote:

> I cant play videos from my ntfs partition using vlc player. I get "access
> denied" error.

Isn't that an entirely different issue, though? When I encounter the issue described in this ticket, I receive:

  Your input can't be opened:
  VLC is unable to open the MRL 'file:///...'. Check the log for details.

@zyga wrote:

> Allowing access outside of /home is possible but allowing access to arbitrary
> places is not possible for obvious reasons. The work on portals is ongoing and
> it will, for cooperating applications, allow to open files from user-specified
> locations.

The reasons don't seem so obvious to me. Could you please elaborate? I get it, confinement and all. But as a user I have no influence whether a snap comes as strictly confined or not. And so when facing this issue I am looking to _configure_ this in a way that makes it possible. Why can't the user (or admin) decide on their own? For example in my case I'd want to add /data/oliver to the list of locations that are available to this particular snap (vlc) and I may want to make _other_ locations available to other snaps. Sure, there will probably be users who'd give some of their snaps free rein, but shouldn't that be their prerogative?

I'll even take it further: when I would connect _my_ particular "arbitrary" location to the vlc snap I'd want to do that read-only. I see no reason for VLC to do more than reading in those locations. This may vary for others (e.g. to be able to create playlists or so?!), but I'd simply want my outside location to appear inside the snap read-only.

Just since @chipaca was trying to elicit use cases ;)

@nidalrashid wrote:

> Okay, i tried open the file after re-installing vlc via --classic, still
> no dice... wth?

In my case I got a message that told me that --classic is ignored for strictly confined snaps.

@deragon wrote:

> Please introduce a configuration file. It is easy to implement, and leave
> us, users/administrators to decide to move away from the current default.

I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

Alternatively LXD seems to be able to make a path from the host appear in the guests's namespace. Since snaps use namespaces, would that not be also an option?

