Comment 148 for bug 1575053

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Carl Best (cbest786) wrote :

Not really a joke.

Its the more reasonable approach. As someone already stated its not just configuration in the snap directory ... snap apps also seem (whether I agree with whether the SHOULD) to store data in the snap directory. My Videos are data. My Downloads are data. My Documents are data. Why cant snap apps store data in the Snap directory. Now an even MORE reasonable variant would be to put CONFIGURATION in .snap/<AppName> and DATA in Snap/<AppName>. Apps that don't need to store data .... like the darn Calculator (come on .... please .... its a calculator if it needs temp files use /tmp) can just put config in .snap and not create the Snap directory at all. It IS a little ridiculous that every time i start the calculator it get a snap directory.

Now ... don't get me wrong ... in a more ideal world (which I almost never get to live in in the not quite 30 years I have been writing software) you would put all data in the existing data directories where grandma knows where it is already .... and put config in .snap/<AppName> and call it a day. We, however, do not live in an ideal world and should, when POSSIBLE, compromise. For some people compromise seems to be a dirty word.

When its a matter or principle you stand like an oak. When its a matter of style, bend like a willow. The problem is .... when you think EVERYTHING is principle.