Comment 2 for bug 779987

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clancyhood (clancy.hood) wrote :

I have an identical problem on a VPS.

Sipwitch insists it is running:

[code]$ sudo service sipwitch start
already started[/code]

though ps -e shows no sign of it. Any commands sent to sipwitch return "*** sipwitch: offline":

[code]$ sipwitch reload
*** sipwitch: offline
$ sipwitch status
*** sipwitch: offline
$ sipwitch dump
*** sipwitch: offline[/code]

Attempts to stop the service hang indefinitely, as do attempts to reboot at the command line. Hard resets of the VPS work, but on restart problems are exactly as they were.

Log shows a fairly common libgcrypt error, which I doubt is the issue but here it is anyway

[code]~$ sudo tail /var/log/messages
May 18 01:31:17 ubuntuvps sipw: Libgcrypt warning: missing initialization - please fix the application[/code]