Comment 0 for bug 1743096

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Maxim (maxim-switz) wrote :

This is my first bug report so I hope I'm making sense:

Simple scan doesn't send mail when trying to send a scanned document. Using simple-scan -d I get this error:

[+9.63s] WARNING: app-window.vala:1208: Unable to email document: Failed to execute child process “xdg-email--attach” (No such file or directory)

Looking through the code within app-window.vala on lines 1194 - 1196 I see:

            var command_line = "xdg-email";
            if (type == "pdf")
                command_line += "--attach %s".printf (file.get_path ());

I'm thinking there should be a space " " prior to --attach on line 1196.