Comment 12 for bug 1061001

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Kyle Bentley (kwbent) wrote :

Now that I've updated my drivers to the newest in the Ubuntu repos, I'm displaying some more odd behavior. The good news is that now that black background isn't happening. My driver packaging version is 9.00.11-120920a-147436C-ATI. 2D Driver version is 9.0.2.

When I try to take a screen cap now, it's as if shutter is reading from the graphics adapter's memory, as if the image it takes is a snapshot of what the screen looked like in the past. For example, When I try to take a snapshot of my Thunderbird email client in full screen, I get an image of my desktop instead. I was going to submit that, until I noticed I had two pictures of my wife that I didn't really want in the attached image. I moved those to my pictures folder, and tried to take the screen shot of Thunderbird again. As it happens, it showed the same background as before, pictures included. It also showed another window, the play on linux console, which hasn't been open for at least 15 hours. I get oddities even using the select area option.

I've attached the output of my screen cap of the AMD Catalyst control center. you can see the prompt where it asks for the administrative password, which has already happened in the past. On another note, I'm not sure how you are installing Catalyst 12.12, even AMD's support web page shows 12.10 as the latest non-beta version. 12.10 (or some version thereof) is the version in the Ubuntu repos?