Comment 1 for bug 1482786

Revision history for this message
Seth Arnold (seth-arnold) wrote :

Thanks Halfdog, this is as usual very interesting.

I think there's several issues here that should be addressed:

- apport's /var/crash/.lock should be set mode 600 instead of 777
- mandb should be rebuilt with ./configure --disable-cats
- the cronjobs and systemd tmp file handling should be removed

At least, I think it's time to remove the cat pages. They seem more trouble than they are worth. I'm not sure why the cronjob changes file ownership and I'm having trouble finding out why it would need to. So I'd rather remove it, and the reason for it to exist. Are there other mediation steps that we should take?

Removing the cat pages is a fairly large change but I'm not seeing smaller options that would address this without removing them. Are there any other smaller steps that I've overlooked?
