Comment 66 for bug 1833618

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Rafael David Tinoco (rafaeldtinoco) wrote :

NOTE for myself (for the future merge w/ upstream):

BTW, I got feedback from upstream developer saying that my logic of skipping VPD 0x83, if VPD 0x80 is not there - to avoid the big delay for the device addiction - can't be done. In his own words:

SPC devices are a different can of worms, and I'd rather not touch them. And, incidentally, page 0x80 is considered legacy these days, and there are plenty of devices out there which support page 0x83 but not page 0x80. So the logic to skip page 0x83 if 0x80 is not present (or had errors) is flawed.

So I have to check sysfs for vpd_pg80 and vpd_pg83 and dont do a sg_inq if files are not there (unsure if upstream does that). But I can't *not check* vpd_pg83 to reduce the delay.