With some recent SDDM updates, I started experiencing this intermittently despite enabling linger.
After digging around for a while, the commenting out the following lines in /usr/lib/systemd/system/sddm.service seems to have cured the issue:
These lines have to be commented out each time SDDM is updated as the service file is replaced with a new version that uncomments those lines. I am guessing that these line were added by Ubuntu/Kubuntu as the sddm.service is somewhat different from what I could find on the project page (https://github.com/sddm/sddm/blob/develop/services/sddm.service.in)?
I still have "loginctl enable-linger sddm" in place, so need to test whether disabling linger causes the issue to return with those lines in sddm.service commented out.
With some recent SDDM updates, I started experiencing this intermittently despite enabling linger. systemd/ system/ sddm.service seems to have cured the issue:
After digging around for a while, the commenting out the following lines in /usr/lib/
# Ordering plymouth- quit-wait. service systemd- user-sessions. service plymouth- start.service plymouth- quit-wait. service plymouth- quit.service systemd- logind. service plymouth- quit.service
These lines have to be commented out each time SDDM is updated as the service file is replaced with a new version that uncomments those lines. I am guessing that these line were added by Ubuntu/Kubuntu as the sddm.service is somewhat different from what I could find on the project page (https:/ /github. com/sddm/ sddm/blob/ develop/ services/ sddm.service. in)?
I still have "loginctl enable-linger sddm" in place, so need to test whether disabling linger causes the issue to return with those lines in sddm.service commented out.