Comment 63 for bug 1778011

Revision history for this message
Luiz (lmfranco) wrote :

I am ubuntu on 18.04.1 LTS.

With intel integrated gpu things are normal. With my nvidia gpu occured two problems:

* I disabled login screen because it was creating two intances of Xorg and gnome-shell each. I can see these with top and nvidia-smi. It decreased cpu temps a lot even in idle time.

* the other is drop down fps while playing steam games. I create a session autostart script to enable prime synchronization on my external monitor. It solves drop down fps were sometimes unplayable.

that's the script: ( gnome-session-properties add tool )

xrandr --setprovideroutputsource modesetting NVIDIA-0
xrandr --output HDMI-1-1 --primary
xrandr --output eDP-1-1 --set "PRIME Synchronization" 0
xrandr --output HDMI-1-1 --set "PRIME Synchronization" 0

For some reason when I switch monitor from integrated notebook display to my external monitor, the prime synchronization doesn't occurs. One prove of that is mouse trail(while nvidia profile is loaded) and in games variation fps with drop down. sometimes over 60 others below 5fps.