Comment 12 for bug 261615

Revision history for this message
Nathan Handler (nhandler) wrote :

It appears that this simple merge might take some time to complete. Like I stated in my earlier comment, I would like to make the .desktop file validate with desktop-file-validate as long as I am touching it. I was able to resolve all but two warnings. The two remaining warnings are caused by the fact that there are two comments for two locales. The comments are:

Comment[fa]=نشر میزکار

Thanks to some help, I was able to figure out that these comments (as well as the other comments in the file) are actually the Generic Name. You can see this by looking at the .desktop file in Hardy. The upstream .desktop file also has this issue. I am now trying to figure out exactly what happened. I am also trying to figure out why we stopped using the upstream .desktop file, and if it is still necessary to not use it.

I have attached the debdiff that I have made. It should successfully patch debian/scribus.desktop to make it appear in the Office menu. It also resolves some desktop-file-validate warnings. I would prefer to keep working on this bug to resolve the Comment/GenericName issue. As a result, I ask that you do NOT upload this debdiff yet. Thank you.