Comment 15 for bug 98890

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dreamon (dreamon) wrote :

Hi everyone, I realize this bug hasn't been a high priority since iBus was introduced, but as far as I can tell there is still a conflict between Java and SCIM of some sort. I am currently running Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 and SCIM input doesn't work in Java applications, even though I have applied the changes outlined by Ryu above.

The reason I want to use SCIM is because iBus still has some problems with Java of its own ( -- and that didn't change throughout the last three Ubuntu versions. So I decided to give SCIM a try and use it for the applications that don't work properly with iBus. I set up SCIM by installing the following packages through Synaptic: scim, scim-hangul, scim-modules-table, scim-chewing, scim-tables-ja, scim-tables-ko, scim-pinyin, scim-anthy, scim-tables-additional, scim-chinese, scim-tables-zh. When running Firefox using "env XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM LANG=en_US.UTF-8 GTK_IM_MODULE=scim firefox" I can use SCIM throughout the programme without any problems. The tray icon comes up, I press CTRL + Space, choose the desired input method and type away. However, when running the same command with Java applications, like netbeans, for example, SCIM remains inactive. That is, its tray icon appears, but I cannot activate it using the keyboard shortcut.

You will notice that I ran all applications using the LANG=en_US.UTF-8 argument to avoid running into the same problem as Ryu. I applied his changes to the SCIM config files (/etc/scim/global and ~/.scim/global) nonetheless, to rule out any peculiar conflicts, but to no avail. Some users on the Ubuntu Forums suggested copying the user SCIM settings from ~/.scim to /root/.scim ( I tried that too, but this didn't help either. I should probably mention that I have rebooted each time after changing a configuration file, and that the iBus daemon was not running when trying the above commands. So far without any results.

I hope someone who is more knowledgeable than me can help. All the above works perfectly fine in openSUSE, so as far as I can tell, this bug is still valid.