Comment 38 for bug 1765503

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In , Paul-van-haren (paul-van-haren) wrote :

As per the analysis of Nikolay, the impact of this bug means that ATOMS and many other functions are not available to Ubuntu users.

I've tried installing the latest successful nightly build, but that doesn't work as the customization for Ubuntu/Debian is missing and too many environment issues arose. E.g. when starting scilab from the command line, nothing happens, no output, no CPU load. The only think you can do is stop the process (^Z) and then kill the stopped job. I couldn't run the stable 6.0.2. version either.

Next, I've tried building from source, but here I couldn't get past the JOGL and javah issue, also reported by Nikolay (the javah issue I could work around, but I couldn't find a fix for the JOGL issue).

Effectively, this means that I don't have means to run Scilab, and I guess with me also most of the other Ubuntu/Debian users.

@Stepahne, is there something you can do to raise the awareness on this issue and take measures for a big fix release being pushed to the Ubuntu package maintainers?

Thanks and regards, Paul