Comment 0 for bug 1753294

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Ralef (ralef) wrote :

After Updating from Xubuntu 17.04 to 17.10, the Scanner makes a black Stripe to the midlle of the scan. The same happens with a fresh (X)ubuntu Live system. The scanner still works fine under 16.04 and Windows. The Problem seems to be the upgrade to libsane1.

To help myself, i still upgraded libsane to 1.0.27-1, without success. One time after chnaging the resolution a lot, I had a few good scans, but now the problem is there again.

You can see a testscan here:

Text or pictures under the black are visible but under the black.
I also delete the calibration file under /home/"user"/.sane/ and built a new one. Still the same.

Any ideas?
